The Unplanned Moments

Things don’t go as we plan, as we think they should go, but the unplanned moments are the best ones.
Because when we plan, and things doesn’t go right, we get disappointed and feel sorrow. But there are that moments too where you get your reward without anticipating or planning and trust me those are the best ones.
So stop expecting, stop worrying, things will happen when they will happen.
You seek something beautiful in your life, but after getting tired of searching you come to know that it is a feeling that lies within.
It’s not about the money, it’s not about things because the more things or the more money you have the more it’ll be used as a metric and there will always be someone with more.
It’s the people you love, people you care about, the way you meet them unexpectedly.
And the way you meet new people, how they become so important as the time passes by and how it is so beautiful.
~Arpit Nasa